September is Alopecia Awareness Month

In America today, it seems that all too often a person’s “worth” is based on their looks. You need to have the perfect body, clothes, face and hair to be considered desirable and likable. This can be a problem for many who may not be able to control their physical appearance. For example, baldness in today’s society in generally looked upon as shameful or unappealing. However, there are those that can’t control this factor. This is not about the general hair loss that comes with age. This is about the autoimmune skin disease known as Alopecia Areata.

Image from

Alopecia Areata is caused by T-cells attacking the hair follicles causing hair on the scalp to start falling out in patches and sometimes causes hair loss on other areas of the body. Some lose all of the hair on their scalp (Alopecia Totalis) and some experience total body hair loss (Alopecia Universalis). This disease can affect anyone at any age. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, NAAF, over 6.6 million people in the United States and 147 million people worldwide have, had or will develop Alopecia Areata at some point in their lives. Hair can fall out and re-grow over a few years or last a lifetime.

Alopecia Areata can be a very emotionally devastating disease for those suffering from it. Many lose their self-confidence or become embarrassed by their hair loss. In an effort to raise awareness and help communities better understand the disease, September has been designated National Alopecia Areata Awareness MonthYou can help raise money for research and provide support to those suffering. Professional sports teams and other local companies have hosted events in the past that helped raise awareness and gave donations to the NAAF. Look for Alopecia Awareness Month events this year in your community or host an event yourself.

Picture from NAAF Website

Since the length of the disease is unpredictable, many are looking for solutions to their incurable hair loss. At Transitions of Indiana, we offer several solutions for men and women suffering from Alopecia Areata. Our center exclusive hair systems, ReAllusions® for women and SensiGraft™ for men, are completely natural looking and can be customized and styled to your liking. We will directly work with you to find the surgical or non-surgical hair restoration plan that’s best for you and your unique situation. Call 1-800-GET HAIR to schedule your FREE hair and scalp analysis today. You can also visit our website at We are here to help you gain back your self-confidence so you can be happy with what you see every time you look in a mirror.

We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft™, Reallusions®, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.
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