When pregnant, hormonal changes in a woman’s body prevent her hair from shedding as it did before pregnancy. So, her hair thickens and for a few months she enjoys having more luxurious tresses than before.

One to five months after delivering the baby, surprise! Some women experience a large amount of hair shedding, or hair falling out in clumps, as their hormones return to pre-pregnancy status.

While the hair loss may be disappointing or scary, it is a normal response to the body’s readjusting post-pregnancy chemistry. About 40 to 50 percent of pregnant women experience this type of extreme shedding known as Telogen Effluvium or TE, but fortunately it is a temporary condition.

Why some new moms return to their regular pre-pregnancy hair cycle immediately after birth and others do not, is unknown.

Why Hair Loss after Pregnancy occurs

1.      At any given time, other than pregnancy, around 90% of our hair is in a growth, or anagen phase. The other 10% is taking a break from growth and resting in what is called the telogen phase.
1.   Every eight to twelve weeks, the resting hair sheds. We find it in our brushes and shower drains. Once hair is lost, the “empty” hair follicles can begin to produce a new shaft.

2.      During pregnancy the increased estrogen keeps hair growing strong. The hair does not rest and fall out as before, leaving some moms-to-be with hair so thick it might be difficult to comb.

3.      When estrogen levels plummet after birth, up to 60% (usually less) of the mother’s hair can enter the resting phase and be lost through shedding. It may take six to twelve months for the hair cycle to return to its pre-pregnancy routine. Women who breastfeed may keep their extra locks a bit longer.

Any time a woman’s estrogen levels change there is a possibility of hair loss. Besides pregnancy, other triggers are miscarriage, stopping any hormonal form of birth control, or out of balance hormones.

For Healthy Hair During and After Pregnancy

Eat three to four servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Make sure that some of the daily veggies are dark green and leafy.

Talk to your doctor about supplementing your diet with Vitamins C, E, the B complex, biotin, and zinc.

Shampoos containing biotin and silica are recommended, followed by a good conditioner.

Be gentle with your hair. If you blow dry your hair, use the dryer’s cool setting. Use wide tooth combs after shampooing, and do not stress-out your hair with tight rollers, curling irons, pigtails, weaves, or cornrows. Consider putting off chemical treatments such as perms, dyes, or straightening.

Women should inform their doctors of excessive postpartum hair loss since there is a possibility of other underlying causes for it, especially if the shedding does not resolve within a few months. For example, a vitamin deficiency can trigger hair shedding as can changes in the thyroid after giving birth.

Let Transitions of Indiana help give your hair what it needs to grow strong and healthy. We encourage you to take the time and review your options then come in for a no cost, no obligation private hair loss consultation.

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

This week, Transitions of Indiana will dive into the topic of how smoking directly influences your hair loss.

As many of you know, there are 4,000 poisonous chemicals, carcinogens, and toxic metals in one cigarette. Everyone knows how those chemicals harm our lungs, but smoking is also directly related to hair loss. Even if you have genetic, patterned hair loss, smoking will exacerbate shedding and diminish the effectiveness of treatments, including medications.

Among other poisons, cigarettes contain DDT which is a banned insecticide, formaldehyde (embalming fluid), the rat poison called arsenic, a radioactive gas called radon, and toluene which is an industrial solvent. Just reading that is enough to make a person’s hair follicles quiver.

How Smoking Affects Hair Health

4000 poisonous chemicals
When smokers take a puff, the body automatically attempts to clean the chemicals from its system. Cleaning takes energy away from other body functions such as hair growth.

Carbon monoxide
Hair follicles are among the fastest growing cells in the body. That is why follicles need continuous access to nutrients and oxygen. Because carbon monoxide limits the oxygen and nutrients available in the blood stream, hair follicle cells suffer from malnutrition and inadequate oxygen when an individual smoker inhales it.

Living in high gear
The human body is not designed to live in a constant state of excitement. Nicotine in cigarettes triggers the release of adrenaline, keeping the body revved up. Living in high gear, over time, wears out the entire system, causing the smoker to age faster.

Nicotine in the system keeps blood vessels in a contracted state. This restricts blood flow to our fast growing follicle cells, and every other cell in the body.

Smoking increases the dihydrotestosterone in hair follicles and, smokers generally have higher levels of testosterone in their system. When elevated amounts of DHT and testosterone get together, the chance of hair loss is increased.

Second hand cigarette smoke contains 250 toxins and 50 of them are carcinogens. If you are around secondhand smoke frequently it is a health hazard and may aggravate hair loss.

Restore Health to Your Hair

Hair loss and early graying are visible effects of smoking, making them good motivators for smoking cessation. If you want to quit, make sure you have support and talk to your doctor about the best way to approach it. Here are four more tips:

1.   You will need to learn other ways to relax. Many people smoke when stressed and need new tools to cool their jets post smoking. Music, meditation, breathing or stretching exercises, soaking in the tub, or taking up a hobby, are options. You must find something that works for you.

2.   It is helpful to rid the house of anything related to cigarettes and smoking. That includes cleaning the carpet, drapes, and furniture to eliminate cigarette odor.

3.   Did you know that eating fruits, veggies, and dairy products affect the taste of cigarettes? Many smokers report smoking tastes terrible after eating those good-for-you foods.
4.   Getting exercise helps relieve nervous energy and makes it easier for the body to clean out toxins. The exercise does not have to be strenuous or boring. Walking, yoga, shooting hoops, bike riding, playing tennis, and dancing are suggestions, but choose something you enjoy.

Let Transitions of Indiana help give your hair what it needs to grow strong and healthy. We encourage you to take the time and review your options then come in for a no cost, no obligation private hair loss consultation.

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

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