Everyone has habits! Whether its a good or a bad habit, we're all guilty of having them. But did you know that you could be losing your hair because of your everyday habits. Built up stress or even too many cheeseburgers may play a huge role in your hair loss.

Overwhelming Stress:
Have you recently went through a bad break up, divorce, or a loved one passing away. These built up emotions are causing stressors in life and this can cause you to lose your hair. It is known as Telogen Effluvium, which is also the same factor that can cause hair loss caused by infections, or having a baby. The one thing to determine if your hair loss is due to stress is to think about the past and current events you have faced. Hair loss from stress can occur up to 3 months after the stressful event took place. But there's good news. Once you relive the stress in your life, your hair will most likely grow back!

Too Much Heat:                                                                         
Are you always styling or fixing your hair with heating products like blow-dryers, straighteners, or curling irons? If so you could be damaging your hair. Too much heat applied to your hair may make your hair dry, frizzy, and even fall out. The best way to prevent hair loss, if you must use any styling tools that use excessive heat, is to use a heat protectant spray and to make sure your hair is completely dry before you try to straighten or curl it.  As far as blow-drying your hair, try giving yourself time to let your hair air- dry. This will allow you to use less overall heat on your hair.

Hair Styles:
You wake up some mornings and your running late or just not feeling it, so you pull your hair up into a pony tail. Pony tails are cute, easy, and are perfect for the busy person or athlete. However, they can cause you to lose your hair if you wear your pony tail too tight. A tight pony tail breaks and splits your hair causing damage that can take a while to replace. The best way to wear a ponytail or braids every day is to rotate them between different spots on the scalp. For example, one day do a low pony tail and the next a high pony tail. This will relieve the pressure on the scalp reducing the risk of hair loss. Also. Never use rubber bands to tie your hair back with. Try to use a soft scrunchy or alternative. Rubber bands alone will damage the hair.

Let Transitions of Indiana help give your hair what it needs to grow strong and healthy. We encourage you to take the time and review your options then come in for a no cost, no obligation private hair loss consultation.

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.
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