Did you cut off your hair and now you want it back? Not to worry, there are many natural and simple ways to get your hair to grow back faster. Here are 4 tips and tricks that you can do to not only get longer hair but to get healthier hair.

Tip 1: Drink plenty of water.
Drinking plenty of water is essential to our body so it can function properly. It is also essential to our hair. Our hair needs to be hydrated on a regularly basis. Not only can drinking water contribute to the health of your hair, it adds shine and strength to it as well. It is recommend for one to drink 8 glasses of water a day to ensure that your hair and body is getting the hydration it needs.

Tip 2: Trimming is a must.
Getting your hair trimmed may seem pointless when you’re trying to grow your hair out because they take length off, but it isn’t. Getting your hair trimmed means that the stylists will just cut off the split ends and the damaged hair. Normally 1 inch is all that need to be cut. By doing this, your hair will grow even faster. When your hair has split ends, it slows growth, which makes it harder for you to get the length you want. So if you want that long luxurious hair you better get your hair trimmed at least every 6-8 weeks.

Tip 3: Don’t over wash. 
Don’t over wash your hair! Many people wash their hair everyday but if you’re trying to let your hair grow this is the worst thing possible. Washing your hair strips your hair from the natural oils it needs to grow. It’s suggested that washing your hair only two or three times a week is the best route to take. If you have to, use dry shampoo products in-between washes that is fine. By letting your hair produce the natural oils that it needs it will become healthier and shinier looking.

Tip 4: Don’t brush wet hair.
Never ever brush your hair while it is wet. I know many people jump out of the shower brush their hair and leave for the day. This will cause damage to the ends or even pull your hair completely out. This is because your hair is most vulnerable when it is wet. If you have to brush your hair while it’s wet try using a wide-toothed comb or pick. This will help prevent breakage, which will encourage hair to grow. Although, the best thing to do is to wait until your hair is completely dry before brushing to prevent any damage.

Keep in mind, if you’re experiencing hair loss, never self-diagnose yourself. The best thing you can do is come in and see a hair expert and for over 15 years Transitions of Indiana has been Indiana’s most trusted name in hair restoration. At Transitions, we take great pride in providing our clients with the latest breakthroughs in hair restoration technology. Whether you are just beginning to experience some hair loss or are in most advanced stages of natural or medically-related hair loss, we can help with our full spectrum programs of male and female hair loss treatments and solutions. Call 1-800-GET-HAIR today to request your FREE information pack or to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.


When people hear the words hair loss their first thought is usually the hair on someone’s scalp but hair loss can affect many people in many different ways. There are countless diseases, disorders, and drugs that have caused hair loss over different areas of the body.

Chemotherapy Treatments: Chemotherapy drugs are powerful medications that attack rapidly growing cancer cells. Unfortunately, these drugs will also attack other rapidly growing cells in your body like those in your hair roots. While chemotherapy drugs are most often associated with losing the hair on your scalp, these drugs may cause your eyelash, eyebrow, armpit, and other body hair to fall out as well. Chemotherapy doesn’t always guarantee hair loss and certain drugs are more likely than others to cause hair loss and different doses can cause anything from thinning hair to complete baldness. Fortunately, most of the time hair loss from chemotherapy is temporary and your hair should grow back three to six months after your treatment ends.

Alopecia Areata: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. Normally a person’s immune system protects the body against infection and disease but when someone has an autoimmune disease their body’s immune system attacks some part of their own body. With alopecia areata the immune system attacks a person’s hair follicles, in most cases the hair will fall out in small, round quarter size patches. Some people may lose more hair and in rare cases the disease can cause someone to completely lose the hair on their head, face, and body. Anyone can have alopecia areata and while it’s currently unknown what specifically causes this disease scientists believe genetics may have something to do with it. While there is currently no cure for alopecia areata and there are no drugs approved to treat it doctors may use medicines approved for other diseases to help hair grow back. However, none of these treatments prevent new patches of hair loss or cure the disease.

Thyroid Disorders: Due to the hormones it produces, the thyroid gland influences almost all of the metabolic processes in the body. The most common thyroid problems include both an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) and an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). Proper hair growth depends on the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and abnormal levels of thyroid hormones can cause many side effects including hair loss. Having too much thyroid hormones can cause thinning hair all over the scalp and having too little thyroid hormones can cause hair loss all over the body. Once your thyroid disease is diagnosed it may take some time to get the right dosage but once you find the right prescription to help regulate your thyroid hormone levels the hair loss problem should resolve itself.
At Transitions of Indiana we know that hair loss is not something we choose but gaining hair is. There are many procedures available today that can help you gain the look you want. Which process is right for you? Let's find out now and put the problems of hair loss behind you, once and for all. Visit TransitionsIndy.com for a no-obligation microscopic hair & scalp exam to diagnose the cause of your hair loss problem today.

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“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation
Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.


Scarring alopecia is a collection of hair loss disorders that nearly three percent of hair loss patients are diagnosed with. Scarring alopecia is also known cicatricial alopecia. Although each diagnosis in specific categories are rare, some examples of the hair loss disorders are follicular degeneration syndrome, dissecting cellulitis, lichen planopilaris and there many more.  However, no matter what type of scarring alopecia is diagnosed, the most common factor of the disorder is a potentially permanent and irreversible destruction of the hair follicles. It also makes replacement harder with the advanced scar tissue.

Scarring alopecia usually occurs in small patches of hair loss that can gradually become larger. Some people do not show any symptoms of scarring alopecia, while others experiencing almost instantaneous hair loss, burning, itching, and pain. In addition some people may have redness, blisters, or even pus coming from the affected area.  Also scarring alopecia is different from standard male-patterned baldness or alopecia areata. With standard alopecia the edges of the hair is pretty well defined. However, with scarring alopecia the edges of the bald path tend to look more ragged or choppy.  

Scarring Alopecia cannot be diagnosed just by looking at the scalp or the pattern in which the hair loss occurs. If scarring alopecia is suspected, then a dermatologists has to do one or more skin biopsies. The biopsy is fairly small and only consists of a 2-4 mm in diameter that has to be scrapped for testing. The doctors will look for any redness, swelling or inflammation of the hair follicles and discuss a treatment plan from there.

There is only a few ways to treat scarring alopecia. Surgical hair restoration or a scalp reduction can be performed. Surgical hair restoration is also known as hair transplantation or follicular micro- grafting. This means that the follicles from the back of the head, where the hair is genetically designed not to fall out, are transplanted into bare areas of the scalp. With scalp reduction, the scalp is moved to cover up the bald area. However, scarring alopecia can still reoccur even after successful treatments.

If you believe you are suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, visit TransitionsIndy.com to schedule a FREE Hair and Scalp Analysis or call 1-800-GET-HAIR today!

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“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

As Movember approaches people put down their razors and begin growing out their mustaches for a good cause. While movember may seem sound like something only men can do women can get involved too as “Mo Sistas”.

Mo Sistas are women who are dedicated to supporting the men in their lives by promoting the importance of men’s health. Just like the Mo Bros of movember, women can help support men’s health by taking the MOVE challenge. The challenge is simple, just get up and move every day this movember, no activity is too big or too small. You can take a 30-minute walk, ride your bike around your neighborhood, or get together with your friends for a game of basketball, just get moving.
Physical inactivity is one of the biggest health issues faced by men. It’s the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, causing 3.2 million deaths globally per year. Inactive people have a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, increase their risk of certain cancers, and are more likely to develop coronary heart disease compared to physically active people. Physical inactivity can also affect your mental health as well, lack of physical activity can add to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Help the men in your life experience longer, healthier, and happier lives by signing up to MOVE today! Click the link below to see how to move it or lose it!

Just like physical inactivity, hair loss can negatively affect your mental health and for over 15 years, Transitions of Indiana has been Indiana’s most trusted name in hair restoration. Whether you are in the beginning stages of hair loss or have lost most or all of your hair, we have guaranteed solutions to meet your goals. Find out what hair restoration option is best for you by calling 1-800-GET-HAIR or visiting our site https://transitionsindy.com/ to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Transitions is social! LIKE us on Facebook

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

Sources: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/cardiovascular_diseases/risks_of_physical_inactivity_85,P00218/

For over 15 years Transitions of Indiana has provided men and women with cutting edge technology in hair restoration. No matter what stage of hair loss you are in, Transitions has a proven solution for you. Our services range from Surgical Hair Transplants to Non-Surgical Solutions, and Laser Hair Therapy. Find out if you're a candidate for one of the following solutions by visiting TransitionsIndy.com

Sensigraft is a non-surgical custom hair loss solution for men experiencing thinning hair and complete hair loss. Sensigraft gives you a natural looking front hair line with no change in coloration, appearance, or feel. In essence, this treatment acts as a thin skin and hair system. The base of the system is attached in the areas where hair is thinning, combining seamlessly with the areas of your natural hair. 

Hair Transplantation is a form of minimally invasive plastic surgery. Not to worry though, our hair transplant surgery and restoration teams are renowned for their keen aesthetic sense in performing hair transplants and their exceptional surgical skills. During a hair transplantation procedure, hair is extracted from the back and sides of the head and transplanted into the areas where you are experiencing thinning hair- usually the top of the head. Results may be seen in as little as 6 months.

  At Transitions we use what is called Lower Level Laser Therapy. The low level lasers are referred to as “cold” lasers because they do not have the component to cut, burn, or vaporize. This procedure works by increasing blood flow to the scalp and increasing nutrient supply to stimulate hair growth. Furthermore it may help slow down the process of hair loss and it can even alleviate scalp conditions such as psoriasis.

This transplant technique combines digital imaging with extremely precise robotic technology. It works in three stages. First, the machine digitally maps out the scalp, updating the “coordinates” every 20 milliseconds. Next, the ARTAS system uses micron level accuracy to extract each follicle. These incisions are so small that no sutures are necessary after the harvesting process is finished, and the look and thickness of the donor area is visually undisturbed. In around 6 months you'll start to see permanent and natural results. 

Much like the Sensigraft solution for men, ReAllusions® is a non-surgical hair replacement technology that virtually becomes a part of you, in attaining a perfect and natural result. ReAllusions® is a system designed especially for women that have successfully bridged the gap between surgical transplants, chemicals and conventional replacement. Not a wig or a hairpiece, the ReAllusions® non-surgical hair replacement and integration method offers a permanent solution without surgery.

At Transitions of Indiana, we are proud to be able to provide women with the same hair loss solution as men with Hair Transplantation. With hair transplantation at Transitions, you may see permanent results in as little as 6 months! Learn more about this procedure at https://transitionsindy.com/solutions-for-women/female-hair-transplants/

Transitions uses one of the latest laser technologies as a non-surgical hair restoration procedure. It is called Lower Level Laser Therapy. The low level lasers are referred to as “cold” lasers because they do not have the component to cut, burn, or vaporize. This procedure works by increasing blood flow to the scalp and increasing nutrient supply to stimulate hair growth.

These are some of the many solutions for hair loss that Transitions of Indiana has to offer. Whether you're male or female, bald or have slight thinning, Transitions guarantees a solution to your hair loss. Unveil the reason for your hair loss and discover the right solution for your type of loss by scheduling a FREE Hair and Scalp Analysis with one of our hair loss experts at Transitions. Visit TransitionsIndy.com or call 1-800-GET-HAIR today! 

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

At Transitions of Indiana, our mission is to provide our clients with more than just a hair loss solution. We work closely with our clients to discover the best solutions for them, assemble the proper treatment plan and guide you through the process seamlessly. Over the years we have given people their confidence back by restoring their hair, no matter the reason for their hair loss with proven solutions catered to client needs and expectations. In fact, many of our patients are so happy with their results that they are happy to share their story with others who can relate. Karen, a ReAllusions® client at Transitions, shares her hair restoration journey with us.

Karen came to Transitions after completely losing her hair from chemotherapy. She now has a full head of hair and says she no longer feel self-conscious when she goes about her day to day activities. Even before chemotherapy, Karen noticed her hair starting to thin around age 18 and continued to progress into later years. In her 30’s, Karen’s hair had thinned exponentially and she only felt comfortable wearing her hair in one style. She used a headband to cover where her scalp was revealed and used lots of hair spray to make the remaining hair stay in place in order to cover her scalp. Then, at age 39, Karen was diagnosed with breast cancer. After undergoing chemotherapy, her hair came back even thinner than before and Karen was desperate to find a solution.

At Transitions, we offer FREE Hair and Scalp Analysis’s to find the best solution for your hair loss needs. For Karen, it was ReAllusions®.  This is an exclusive procedure only offered at Transitions of Indiana. It is a natural looking and feeling, non-surgical hair restoration procedure. We can match the hair to any color and make it any style you desire.

If you believe you are suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, visit TransitionsIndy.com to schedule a FREE Hair and Scalp Analysis or call 1-800-GET-HAIR today! 

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation
Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

There are millions of men and women in the U.S. alone struggling with the damaging effects of hair loss, and with so many options available for restoration the process can become overwhelming. At Transitions of Indiana we understand the impact hair loss can have on your life. Our hair loss experts work directly with you to discover the cause and the best solution for your type of hair loss. One of our most recommended solutions for hair loss is Laser Hair Therapy. Keep reading to learn more about Laser Hair Therapy and to find out if you're a candidate for this revolutionary non-surgical option.

Low Level Laser Hair Therapy is a non-surgical, safe and effective procedure that utilizes low level lasers (cool lasers) to prevent from thinning and encourage new hair to grow. There are two types of lasers, high powered lasers and low level lasers. Low level lasers— the kind that Transitions uses for Laser Hair Therapy, is a “cold” laser, therefore it doesn’t have the thermal component, making it completely painless!

Low level lasers used for Laser Hair Therapy help to increase blood circulation in the scalp. This boost in circulation helps increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles, which support and promote hair growth. Some of the benefits of Laser Hair Therapy are repair and improvement of hair shaft quality, slowing or stopping the hair loss process, and relief of scalp conditions such as psoriasis and seborrhea.

You might be wondering what makes Laser Hair Treatments at Transitions of Indiana so different and better than other places, right? Well, we also offer a complete program of scalp stimulation and treatment procedures to help your hair be restored to fuller and thicker hair. Combining Laser Hair Therapy with other methods increase the chances of a more successful result. This treatment may work for both men and women undergoing the initial stages of hair loss or thinning hair. Contact Transitions of Indiana today to speak with a hair loss expert to find our if Laser Hair Therapy is the solution to your hair loss. TransitionsIndy.com

If you’d like to learn more about Laser Hair Therapy and other hair solutions at Transitions of Indiana, call 1-800-GET-HAIR or click here to book your FREE confidential consultation today! Our image consultant will provide information regarding causes of hair loss and options tailored to your specific situation and lifestyle! 

“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

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Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.
Pattern baldness is something commonly seen in men as they start aging due to heredity, medical conditions or treatments, and even stress. Many think that pattern baldness only happens to men but truth be told, women can also experience pattern baldness. According to Harvard Health Publications, female pattern baldness starts with thinning hair at the part-line. As the condition develops, more of the hair begins to thin causing hair loss to occur in a circular pattern at the top of the head. It is less common to see women experiencing hair loss but it can also happen due to heredity, aging, change in hormone levels, stress, etc.

Each hair strand has its own follicle to grow from. The hair strand’s growing phase lasts from 2 to 6 years, then the hair falls and new hair starts growing. Baldness occurs when hair sheds from the follicle and new hair fails to grow in its place. The actual reason for female pattern baldness has not been discovered yet but evidence shows it may be related to aging, family history, or change in the levels of androgens (male hormones).

The most common symptom is hair thinning mainly on the top and crown of the scalp. There’s no significant change in the frontal hairline and hair loss rarely progresses to total baldness as commonly seen in male pattern baldness.

With pattern baldness, the hair that is lost may not grow back if it goes untreated. There are several options available for treatment such as Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Transplantation, and Hair Restoration all proudly offered here at Transitions of Indiana.

If you believe you are suffering from Female Pattern Baldness, don’t wait any longer! A solutions is waiting for you. Call Transitions today 1-800-GET-HAIR or visit TransitionsIndy.com for a FREE consultation. 

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“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.

SOURCES: http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/female-pattern-baldness/overview.html 

Hair loss is often believed to only affect men but hair loss is a problem that affects millions of women too. Transitions of Indiana understands how devastating hair loss can be for women especially the emotional effects on a women’s confidence and self-esteem. This is what Transitions client, Rachel experienced before she came to Transitions of Indiana.

While Rachel has always had fine hair, it wasn’t until later on that she experienced the difficulties of dealing with thinning hair. Styling her hair in the morning became a challenge since each hair had to be positioned in place before she could spray the few fine hairs left into a hairstyle. When she spent time with her friends at the community pool she always had to make up excuses about why she couldn’t get her hair wet so her friends wouldn’t see how thin her hair was. Once others began to notice her hair loss she began searching for medical treatments to overcome the embarrassment of thinning hair.

After viewing Transitions video testimonials and before and after photos she quickly called to schedule her free consultation to discuss the cause of her hair loss and her treatment options. During her consultation she was informed that she suffered from female-pattern baldness and that she was a candidate for non-invasive Laser Hair Therapy that offered promising results.

Rachel is absolutely thrilled with the results and the compliments she’s received especially from her hair dresser—who knew about her thinning hair. While skeptical in the beginning, Rachel's hair is now fuller and thicker thanks to Laser Hair Therapy treatments at Transitions of Indiana.

Laser Hair Therapy is just one of the countless treatments offered at Transitions. No matter the type of hair loss you have our image consultants will provide you with options tailored to your specific situation and lifestyle. Call 1-800-GET-HAIR  or go to TransitionsIndy.com to schedule your free consultation with Indiana’s most trusted name in hair restoration. Start living the life you want with the hair you want today!

  “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Experiencing thinning hair or complete hair loss can be extremely damaging to one’s self-esteem, but it doesn't have to be. Transitions of Indiana knows the impact that losing hair can have on one’s life and that’s why we offer our clients the latest technology available in hair restoration. With more than 15 years of experience, Transitions has the resources and knowledge to determine the reason for loss, and design a personalized restoration program. One of our revolutionary, non-surgical options we recommend for many of our clients is Laser Hair Therapy.

What is Laser Hair Therapy?

A treatment that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Association (FDA) is the Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy or LLLT. Laser Hair Therapy is a revolutionary, non-surgical treatment for both men and women suffering from hair loss. This procedure uses “cool” lasers that increase blood circulation to the scalp, stimulating nerves, muscles, and the growth center of the hair follicle (hair root). This increase in blood circulation promotes a healthy environment for hair growth, giving the patient thicker, fuller, and shinier hair.

Benefits of Laser Hair Therapy 

Many Patients Experience -
Increased blood flow to the scalp
Increased nutrient supply to enhance hair growth
Slowing down and stopping the progression of hair loss
Relief of scalp conditions such as psoriasis and seborrhea
Repaired and improved hair shaft quality

Marcia Before and After LLLT
Will Laser Treatment Work for Me?

Low-Level Laser Hair Therapy may be the perfect solution to your hair loss. We also have the best consultants and technicians to address any questions you might have and to help guide you through this process. Start the transition to the new you at Transitions of IndianaBook your FREE, confidential Laser Hair Therapy consultation today!

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“We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Hair Transplant Procedure, like all other forms of plastic surgery, is an art. It requires exact surgeons with decades of experience and a trained hand to create the most natural appearing results that are undetectable to the keenest eye.

Transitions of Indiana is fortunate to be associated with PAI Medical Group, the finest hair transplant surgeons in Indianapolis and throughout North America. Our surgeons have years of experience and are known for their exceptional surgical skills and for their keen aesthetic when performing hair transplants.

At Transitions of Indiana we are committed to finding the best solution possible to your specific case. Our procedures are customized based on the patient’s age, hair type, degree of hair loss and overall expectations. Best of all, hair transplantation is suitable for both men and women.

Our goal is to “Do one thing and do it extremely well.” That is why we have the very best method of hair transplantation. Our hair transplant physicians produce a natural appearing hair line with single, 1-haired grafts called a follicular unit. When adding different size grafts behind the hair line, depending on the patients needs, these grafts can contain 2 or sometimes even 3 follicles in a single graft. Our method typically moves 2 to 3 times more hair compared to the old transplant approach.

One frequently asked question is where do the grafts come from? They usually come from either the back or sides of the head because those areas have hair that is genetically pre-determined not to fall. Therefore, using grafts from those areas, we can transplant them into an area with less hair density in which afterwards will have growing hair throughout the patient’s life.

People travel from all over the Midwest and the U.S. to have their procedure done in Indianapolis. There is no charge or obligation! Get the answers you need to all your questions about Hair Transplantation, your personal hair loss concerns, and information about all other hair loss treatment options today! Your image consultant will provide information regarding causes of baldness and options tailored to your specific situation and lifestyle.

Schedule a FREE consultation with us here or by calling 1-800-GET-HAIR. If you are not from Indiana, please call us at (317) 522-2991. We offer travel packages that include accommodations and transportation. Visit TransitionsIndy.com today!

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  “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation

Many people think that hair loss and thinning hair is exclusively linked to family genetics. The truth is, there are way more causes for these two problems and some of them are our fault. We’ve comprised a list of everyday life habits that may be costing your hair’s health. Check them out!

1. You’re Too Stressed Out 
Each person has their own way of dealing with stress. Stress may stem from an everyday life situation or a traumatic experience. These stressors can disrupt the hair growth cycle and ultimately cause hair loss. It’s best to relax and relieve stress by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and in most cases the lost hair will eventually grow back. Hair loss can happen from six weeks to three months after a traumatic experience.

2. Hot Showers 
When you get home from work, school, etc, the first go-to to relax is taking a hot shower, right? However, these hot showers may be bringing more harm than benefits. The hot water dehydrates not only the skin, but also the hair strands because it washes away your hair’s protective oils, causing brittle, dry hair. Also, the hot water makes the scalp’s pores work even harder to replace what’s been lost, making hair strands more likely to shed. To maintain healthy hair, take the temperature down a little bit and take warm or cool showers instead.

3. Not Washing Hair Often Enough 
Dry shampoo saved your life when you didn’t have enough time to wash your hair that busy week with 5 meetings, right? Oh yeah! Dry shampoo may be convenient but it might not be that great for your hair after all. When you have applied too much product to your hair and haven’t washed it away, it clogs the hair’s pores and it can make difficult for the hair to grow. So, skipping shampoo for a day is not bad, but try not to let it become a habit. Try washing your hair every two days.

4. Mishandling Wet Hair
Some people think after the shower is the perfect time to brush the hair and get rid of all the tangled knots. However, there’s no worst time to mistreat your hair. When the hair is soaked in water, the protective cuticle is raised and therefore the hair is more fragile and likely to break. The best advice here are to comb the hair before entering the shower, dry the hair gently with a soft towel but don’t rub it and if you can’t help combing your hair after the shower, comb it gently with a wide-tooth comb.

5. Styling Tools
Styling tools are great for your looks but not so much for your hair. The scorching temperatures applied to hair when using blow-dryers or flat irons can damage the protective cuticle and the proteins (hair is made of protein) present in your hair, which makes it more likely to break. Try limiting the use of styling tools 2 to 3 times a week and apply a heat-protectant spray before each use.  

6. Tight Ponytails or Up-dos
Ponytails, braids, and up-dos are a life saver when you’re running late, but styling them too tightly can be harmful to your hair. The last thing you want is breakage or scarring, so try wearing your hair down as much as possible and if you feel like wearing a braid or ponytail, make sure it’s not too tight.

7. Sun Exposure
Having sun-kissed highlights is always beautiful and natural, however, too much exposure to UV rays damage the hair since they take away the hair’s elasticity and strength by weakening its cuticle. A good idea is to wear hats that protect your hair from the UV rays or a leave-in conditioner with sunscreen.

8. Bad Diet
Eating too little or too much is never good. Too little food forces the body to direct its food to vital functions, such as breathing and heart beating, and not to hair growing. Eating too much of a specific food or vitamin can also deregulate the body, therefore messing up hair’s growth cycle. Eating healthy is key to having healthy hair since it reflects your health. Eating a diet rich in protein since the hair is 90 percent made of it. If you don’t know exactly how to structure your diet, do not hesitate in contacting a specialist doctor that can help you on your planning.

9. Certain Medications
Some medications to depression, high blood pressure, anxiety and so forth are known to cause thinning hair or hair loss. Even everyday medications such as birth control or thyroid replacement drugs can cause hair loss. The best advice here is to talk to your doctor and ask about alternatives that might decrease the effects of the medication on your hair’s health.

No matter the cause of your thinning hair, Transitions can help you find a hair loss solution that works for you. Visit Transitionsindy.com for a FREE analysis today!

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  “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation


For over 15 years, Transitions of Indiana has taken great pride in providing our clients with every effective solution for every stage of hair loss. Whether you’re just starting to lose your hair or are in the most advanced stages of hair loss, our experienced staff will help restore the natural volume and healthy look to your hair. At Transitions, we provide our clients with the latest breakthroughs in hair restoration technology, including:

Non-Surgical Restoration: We offer non-surgical treatment options including SensiGraft for men and ReAllusions for women. These treatment options help give you the full head of hair you desire by adding as little or as much hair as you want to give you a perfectly natural, completely undetectable, permanent non-surgical solution to hair loss.  

Laser Hair Therapy: Recently approved by the FDA for the promotion of hair growth, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a completely safe, pain free, non-medical procedure and can be used by people with all skin and hair types. LLLT works by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. Over time, the increased blood flow helps strengthen and repair hair follicles until you are left with thicker, fuller, shinier, and healthier looking hair.

Hair Transplantation: At Transitions of Indiana, we focus on performing the best hair restoration transplantation possible for each individual patient. Our association with PAI Medical Group means that our clients have access to the finest hair transplant surgeons in Indianapolis and throughout North America. Medically proven to regrow your hair, this treatment utilizes your own donor hair to transplant into the areas where you no longer have hair. The results are permanent, natural, and guaranteed.

We understand how embarrassing hair loss can be and we are committed to restoring your hair and helping you regain your confidence. If you’re ready to do something about your hair loss call 1-800-GET-HAIR or visit https://transitionsindy.com/ to schedule your no charge no obligation consultation today. 
  “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions is social! LIKE us on Facebook

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation

Are you familiar with the term Male Pattern Baldness? Probably so. But, did you know that men are not the only people that suffer from thinning hair? That's right. There are nearly 21 million American women who suffer from hair loss everyday! At Transitions of Indiana we understand how serious the psychological damage hair loss has on women’s emotional well being. That is why we at Transitions provide women with state-of-the-art hair restoration systems specifically designed to meet the unique challenges of hair loss in all its forms … artistically, technically, and emotionally.

ReAllusions Non-Surgical Hair Replacement:
The ReAllusions®System is a non-surgical hair replacement technology designed specifically for women that have successfully bridged the gap between surgical transplants, chemicals and conventional replacement. Not a wig or a hairpiece, the ReAllusions® method offers a permanent solution without surgery that has helped countless women restore their hair including Transitions client, Anne.

“I am getting positive feedback from everyone in my life and I only wished I would have done this sooner!”

When Anne was 21 years old, she began noticing her hair shedding at a rapid rate and decided to consult a doctor. After meeting with a number of specialists, the consensus was her DNA and there was nothing that could be done. Following her less than uplifting diagnosis, Anne spent several years wearing hats, hairpieces, and camouflaging products to hide her scalp. She was determined to find a real solution, so she came to Transitions of Indiana.

After 2 months into her Reallusions hair makeover, Anne felt like she did when she was 20 years old again. ReAllusions has granted Anne the ability to wear her hair the way she wants. From windy days to summer dips in the pool, she has virtually no restrictions, all the while looking completely natural!

If you’re ready to restore your hair contact Transitions of Indiana today. We care about your hair and we want to get you back to feeling beautiful and help you regain your confidence.

  “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation

At Transitions of Indiana we know that choosing to do something about your hair loss is a big decision and we are here to help you along the way. If you've decided to take that first step towards finding a solution and schedule a free consultation, here is an inside look of what you can expect from your Transitions consultation.

Your consultation will last about 60 minutes and will consist of an analysis and scalp evaluation with a trained hair specialist. Once you arrive at Transitions, you’ll be welcomed by a member of our staff who will then lead you to one of our private consultation rooms. We encourage you to bring a spouse, friend, or family member to help you reach a decision about our company, our procedures, and the artistic expertise of our staff.

Following the initial meeting, one of our professional staff will evaluate your hair and scalp to determine the hair loss solutions best for your type of hair loss. Throughout the consultation, we will answer any questions or concerns you may have.

At Transitions of Indiana, we take a no-nonsense approach to teaching you about your hair loss and we will explain in simple laymen’s terms as to what’s causing your hair loss and which treatment options will work best for you.

Remember that each treatment option is different for everyone and not everyone is an ideal candidate for every option. It all depends on your degree of hair loss, your level of physical activity, and the type of hairstyle you desire.

Our specialists will go over every option available to you and you will learn the positive and negative aspects of each choice. Lastly, we’ll also explain your payment options, such as our in-house payment and NO INTEREST payment plans.

We want all of our clients to feel comfortable and confident about their chosen hair restoration solution and we feel that confidence should be based on the solid information and the excellent reputation of your local Transitions Hair Replacement Studio.
Above all, Transitions of Indiana wants you to feel better about your appearance and the person you see in the mirror each morning. Take the first step towards a new you and schedule your FREE  hair loss evaluation today! Visit TransitionsIndy.com

    “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation

From Angie’s List to Yelp to Consumer Reports, today, potential customers live and breathe by reviews. People are more driven than ever to find as much information as possible before they make any decisions or purchases. At Transitions of Indiana, we understand how important reviews are, which is why you can now go onto our site and read real testimonials from actual Transitions clients! https://transitionsindy.com/client-reviews/

Reviews are important not just for our business but for you as a potential client. Client reviews and testimonials can help you learn more about our company and show you what to expect before you even set foot into the building. Many of the people who come to Transitions will often listen to testimonials and look at the before and after photos of our previous clients before deciding to do something about their own hair loss — and we encourage this!

Transitions client, Rhonda, shares her own experience with hair loss. When Rhonda started menopause she noticed her hair getting thinner and thinner. Because she worked in a business with over 400 people, she was very self-conscious about her hair. It got to the point where she had to convince herself that she was worth the investment. Rhonda states....

“After my hair restoration process, I no longer lack confidence and I just feel good about myself again!”


Transitions of Indiana knows you deserve to feel good about yourself  and our team of hair restoration specialists work day in and day out to give our clients the highest level of quality, care, and service possible. Call 1-800-GET-HAIR to request your FREE information pack or to schedule your complimentary consultation with Indiana’s most trusted name in hair restoration.

  “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

As we enjoy the warmer weather of spring, many of us will be fighting a daily battle with our frizzy hair. To help combat that fight and make your hair look and feel good, here are a few home remedies using common kitchen items to help your hair withstand the heat.  


1) Carbonated Water -

Carbonated water has low pH levels that help fight frizz caused by humidity. 

Simply rinse your hair with carbonated water after you've shampooed your hair. You need to use this remedy regularly for it to be effective. 

2) Apple Cider Vinegar -

The acid in apple cider vinegar helps smooth out frizz while adding shine to your hair.

First mix equal parts water with apple cider vinegar and after you’ve shampooed your hair rinse it out with the mixture. You can use this remedy every two to four weeks.

3) Beer -

Beer helps replenish the moisture in your hair and has nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants that your hair needs. Dark beers have the most nutrients and will provide the best results.   

Coat your hair with beer, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it out with cold water. Use this remedy once every two weeks.

Another option is to mix equal parts beer, shampoo, and conditioner. Apply the mixture and then brush your hair. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes and then rinse your hair with cold water.   
4) Avocado -

The vitamin E in avocados helps tame frizz and the healthy oils in avocados help moisturize and strengthen hair.  

Mash one ripe avocado and mix it with a little bit of olive oil. After you shampoo apply the mixture to your hair let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour and then rinse it out with cold water.  

You can also mash an avocado and mix it with mayonnaise to create a paste. Rub it into your scalp and then cover your hair with a shower cap or some plastic wrap. Let it sit for 20 minutes and then shampoo it out. You can use this hair mask one or twice a week to help condition your hair and prevent dryness.  

 “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Source: http://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-frizzy-hair.html

Imagine going to work and out of nowhere a coworker pokes their finger against the back of your head and tells you that you have a bald spot about the size of a quarter. It sounds unbelievable doesn't it? Well, that's exactly what happened to Transitions client, Shawn, at the young age of 23. Unaware of his balding at the time, Shawn's self-esteem instantly went down the tube and he decided he needed to make a change. Shawn came to Transitions of Indiana for their non-surgical hair restoration, SensiGraft.

After visiting Transitions and talking to one of their elite hair loss specialists, Shawn was thrilled to discover SensiGraft an option that he found both affordable and effective. 

SensiGraft is a non-surgical hair restoration option for men experiencing hair loss and thinning hair. SensiGraft adds the hair you want exactly where it’s needed while looking and feeling totally natural. SensiGraft can give you the full head of hair you've been hoping for!

Transitionsof Indiana has helped clients like Shawn for over 15 years — providing them with the latest breakthroughs in male and female hair restoration solutions that have not only restored their clients hair but has helped them regain their confidence. If you’re ready to find your permanent hair loss solution call 1-800-GET-HAIR to schedule your FREE consultation today.   

“My hair restoration process was easy, affordable, my hair looked great, and this has made all the difference in my confidence!”

    “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Fishers, Carmel, Zionsville, or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation
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