At Transitions™ of Indiana, we offer only the latest technologies to provide our clients hair loss solutions custom-tailored to their individual needs. One of those solutions is low-level laser therapy. This non-surgical hair restoration procedure offers men and women a non-invasive treatment to combat the effects of hair loss. The low-level lasers often referred to as “cold” lasers have no thermal component and do not cut, burn or vaporize. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the promotion of hair growth and can be used by men and women of all skin and hair types. But, how effective is laser hair therapy?

The goal of laser hair therapy is to increase circulation of the blood to the base of the hair follicle and to stimulate nerves, muscles and growth. Over time, successive treatments help to strengthen existing hair follicles that have been weakened or damaged and break up the build-up found from the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Laser hair therapy may assist in the recovery of postoperative hair transplants and may increase the speed of new hair growth.

Results from a double-blind randomized experiment conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology showed that 110 patients with androgenic alopecia exhibited a larger increase in hair density after 26 weeks of therapy with a laser light comb compared to subjects who had been treated with a placebo device. Hair growth in subjects who used laser therapy increased by an average of 19 hairs per square centimeter, versus an average of seven hairs per square centimeter in those using a placebo device. Subjects treated with laser hair therapy experienced healthier conditions such as thicker, shinier and more manageable hair compared to those who used a placebo device.

Laser Hair Therapy is recommended to patients experiencing hair loss for several reasons. First, it’s a viable alternative to those seeking a hair loss solution that is non-surgical. Moreover, Men and Women who may be seeking a hair transplant procedure are not always a candidate for that procedure. For individuals who are “non-candidates” laser hair therapy may be the most viable option for stimulating natural hair growth that doesn’t require surgery. Secondly, it may be highly effective for women. Women may have more difficulty achieving favorable results from a hair transplant procedure. Low-level laser therapy can deliver favorable results before, after or in place of a transplant procedure.

At Transitions™ of Indiana, our team of medical professionals work day in and day out to give our clients the highest quality care and service possible. Here are a few reviews from our clients who chose to share their experiences with Transitions and their laser hair therapy procedures:

Treva Epperly, Laser Hair Therapy client says “Since getting laser and scalp treatments at Transitions, my thin spots have started filling back in. I don’t have to spend time trying to cover the thin spots anymore!”

Mary Schmid, Laser Hair Therapy client, “In just six short months with laser and scalp treatments my hair is fuller, thicker and I am even growing a new hair line on my forehead! My hair stylist even noticed the new growth.”

If you’re ready to get your hair back without the need for a surgical procedure visit our website HERE to learn more about this procedure. Think laser hair therapy isn’t the right solution for you? Transitions™ of Indiana offers several hair loss solutions for clients with all types and degrees of hair loss. Call us at 1-800-GET-HAIR to schedule a FREE complimentary consultation and see which of our hair restoration procedures best fits you.
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 “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.


Most people shed roughly 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is normal and doesn’t cause noticeable thinning because new hair continues to grow in at the same time. Hair loss occurs when this cycle of shedding and regrowth is disrupted. These disruptions are usually related to the effects of heredity, hormonal changes and medical conditions, extreme stress or a change in supplements. It is important to identify these changes in order to properly maintain the health of your hair and scalp. Below are five of the most common reasons women experience hair loss.

The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. Female-pattern baldness occurs gradually in a predictable pattern of a receding hair line with thinning hair in women. Hair thins typically at the top and crown of the scalp. It usually starts widening through the center hair part. In most cases, hair loss is mild to moderate. To treat female pattern baldness, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the treatment of minoxidil. For women, a two percent concentration is recommended. Minoxidil may help hair grow in about 1 in 4 women and it slows or stops hair loss in most women.

Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss. These changes could be due to pregnancy, childbirth or early stages of menopause. Estrogen, the predominant hormone in women’s bodies makes you feel energized and helps stabilize your moods when it’s balanced appropriately. However, too much estrogen, which can be caused by excess weight gain, can lead to thinning hair. During and after pregnancy, estrogen levels peak and then fall, causing sudden hair loss for many women. Insulin, in charge of regulating blood sugar levels, also has an effect on several different body processes, including fat storage, heart health and hair growth. A study published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Risk found that women showing signs of insulin resistance may have a higher risk for female pattern baldness. Too much testosterone in women can create hair growth in some unpleasant areas including the face, neck and chest but it can also contribute to hair loss on the head. Incorporating more fiber into your diet will help lower levels of estrogen levels. Focusing on a high-protein, low carbohydrate diet with lots of vegetables can also improve insulin resistance, if it’s contributing to hair loss.

Extreme stress can also be a contributor to temporary hair loss. When your body is under stress due to fluctuating thyroid levels, it channels energy needed for processes such as hair growth to more critical processes needed to balance your hormones. Low thyroid is often the cause of a thinning scalp that women see as they age. If you are consistently stressed you may want to request help from your doctor to determine which lifestyle or dietary changes may benefit you most. In the meantime, managing your stress levels with a healthy activity and getting the recommended amount of sleep will help with general hormone balance and can protect your hair from any further damage.

Vitamin A
Excess intake of  Vitamin A can be a factor in hair and scalp health. Vitamin A is essential for many bodily functions including hair growth. This vitamin is in-soluble, meaning your body stores whatever excess you take in. You may consume vitamin A by eating liver, eggs and dairy products. In addition, dark leafy green vegetables and dark orange fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene which your body can use to produce vitamin A. It is difficult to overdose on vitamin A through a diet alone, but it is easier to do if you take supplements. As a precaution, always discuss Vitamin A supplementation with your doctor, especially if you are on any medication.

Drugs or treatments used for cancer, depression, heart problems, arthritis, and high blood pressure are among the top medications that can contribute to hair loss. Even certain birth control pills can be a problem, especially if you stop using them abruptly. If you notice sudden changes in your scalp or hair and have recently started taking a new medication, consult your doctor right away. There are usually alternative treatments that can leave you with fewer side effects.

Unfortunately, there are no magic pills or product that will correct hair loss entirely, but there are hair loss solutions available. Whether your hair loss is a symptom of genetics, dietary changes and hormonal imbalances or previous medical procedures such as chemotherapy, Transitions of Indiana has a hair loss solution for you. At Transitions of Indiana we want to get you back to feeling beautiful and help you regain your confidence. Call us now at 1-800-GET-HAIR or visit our website at and schedule a FREE hair and scalp analysis today!

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 “We Restore More Than Just Your Hair!”

Transitions of Indiana is a premiere hair replacement center. Whether you live in Indianapolis, Beech Grove, Speedway, Carmel or anywhere in the surrounding Indiana area, we offer FREE private, confidential consultations to help you determine which customized treatment option is best for your individual situation.  Our hair replacement solution options include Sensigraft, Reallusions, Graduated Enhancement, Laser Hair Therapy, Hair Extensions, and hair loss control products. Take the first step to a new you and schedule your free hair loss evaluation.

Disclaimer: These solutions may not work for you.


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